Tuesday 7 August 2018

Fleet Tracking



Do you need a professional solution that has been time-tested, and only uses the very best components? If so, look no further—our fleet GPS tracking solutions are exactly what your company needs. Our solution provides real-time, 1 minute updates, so you always know exactly where your vehicles are. And with our historical feature, you can pull up where the vehicle was at any time and date. Our solution also goes a step further. We are one of the only companies on the market right now to integrate harsh driving and crash detection into our system. This means that if any vehicles in your fleet get into an accident, an alert will be sent immediately to your cell phone, with a link showing exactly where the accident occurred. Hopefully this doesn’t ever occur, but it’s always best to be prepared. Another first from our company is harsh driving detection. You can receive immediate alerts if an employee is driving a company vehicle erratically while equipped with one of our real time GPS trackers. Wouldn’t it be great to know if someone is causing thousands of dollars’ worth of damage to expensive equipment? Now any company can take the guess work out of the equation with our simple GPS tracking solution for fleets.

Why use GPS tracking? 

First off, we need a good ROI to apply GPS tracking. This is often the easiest part of the problem. If your business operates a fleet of vehicles, adding GPS tracking will significantly reduce wasteful spending. Here is a list of items it will help you eliminate: excessive idling, speeding, unnecessary stops, harsh driving, vehicle downtime, and employee fraud.

The next point is unnecessary stops. Let’s define an unnecessary stop as a stop that you didn’t authorize. These are some of the worst cases that can be discovered using GPS tracking, but they need to be dealt with. You might find that your employee is stopping at their house or friend’s house for hours each day, doing nothing, going to the local pub, or just parking somewhere and doing who knows what. This can cost you a lot more than just wasted fuel; this could cost you your business. At the least, it will look really bad on your business when you have a driver that is constantly late making deliveries. The impact that this could have on your business can be hard to quantify, but everyone knows it will have a substantial impact on your bottom line. If you lost business from a single customer, how much would this cost your business? So, let’s just quantify this savings as business not lost.

Onto harsh driving. This point will cost you in many ways. It will reduce fuel efficiency on your vehicle, cause mechanical components to break down faster, potentially cause accidents, and just be bad advertising for your business. For instance, if you have an employee that likes to drive the vehicle really rough—locking up the breaks, accelerating rapidly—then, obviously, you are going to be spending more money on that vehicle to replace the brakes and tires sooner. Plus, driving like this is harder on the engine, and is likely to decrease the lifespan. On top of that, what if this erratic driving winds up getting this employee in an accident? The risk of this happening is simply not worth it, and justifies GPS tracking, alone. One lawsuit against your company because of an incident like this can really damage your reputation and hurt you financially. With one of our GPS trackers, you can have real-time alerts go straight to your cell phone, warning you about what is going on. If GPS tracking can prevent one incident like this from occurring, then it’s worth it.

Now, to touch on vehicle downtime. Some of our GPS trackers have OBD II functionality. This capability gives the device the ability to tap into a wealth of vehicle diagnostic information on vehicles manufactured in 1996 and later. Some of the basic information this can relay back to us includes: rpms, fuel level, diagnostic trouble codes, speed, battery voltage, and other parameters. By relaying this data to you in real time, you can solve many problems effectively and fast. For instance, if you receive a low battery alert on your phone, you can then use the historical tracking data to determine if the vehicle’s charging system was working correctly by outputting 14 Volts while the device was in motion. If it was outputting 14 volts, then your charging system is likely okay, so your issue is with the battery or the connections. Another example would be if a DTC or diagnostic trouble code appeared for a bad O2 sensor, this information would be instantly relayed to you, in turn giving you plenty of time to pick up another part and scheduling maintenance to replace the bad sensor.

Employee fraud. No one really wants to deal with issues like these. But should something ever happen, you won’t feel left in the dark. GPS tracking will give you that piece of mind. With the economy the way it is, and with theft on the rise, there’s only so much you can do to protect yourself. Let’s say you are in the delivery business and you have a semi full of laptop computers. Along the way to the delivery, the driver claims that at a stop someone broke into the container and stole 20% of the laptops. Of course, you have insurance and it will cover this, but you’re going to have to pay a deductible, and your rates are going to go up. Suppose instead that you pull up the GPS tracker history and find that the truck made an unexplained stop a couple of miles off the highway. And by looking at the satellite view of the GPS tracker history, you can see there are no business around that the driver would have stopped at. You forward this information to police, who in turn question the driver and the residence where the driver stopped. They, of course, find that the laptops have been unloaded at the resident’s house. This saves you a bundle, and gets rid of a dishonest employee.

So is GPS tracking worth it for fleet applications? Let’s take a quick look at our savings again in each category we listed above. Excessive idling can easily cost a fleet of 10 around $420 a month just by wasting fuel. Speeding on the highway for a fleet of ten could easily add up to another $180 a month. Unnecessary stops can cause late deliveries leading to lost business. Harsh and erratic driving will cause unnecessary wear and tear on your vehicles, and possible accidents leading to lawsuits. Vehicle downtime can be avoided with our real-time alerts—can you afford to lose a vehicle for even a day over something as simple as a dead battery? Employee fraud can cost you big time with insurance deductibles.


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